Acupuncture therapy as an Evidence-Based Nonpharmacologic Strategy for Comprehensive Acute Pain Care: the Academic Consortium Pain Task Force White Paper Update

A crisis in pain management persists as does the epidemic of opioid overdose deaths, addiction, and diversion. Pain medicine is meeting these challenges by returning to its origins: the Bonica model of multidisciplinary pain care.The 2018 Academic Consortium White Paper detailed the historical context and magnitude of the pain crisis, and the evidence-base for nonpharmacologic strategies. Over 50% of chronic opioid use begins in the acute pain care setting. Acupuncture may be able to reduce this risk.

Hierom kiest u voor Itchi-go

  • Japanse acupunctuur in de stijl van Kiiko Matsumoto
  • Gediplomeerde acupuncturist
  • Persoonlijke behandeling, afgestemd op uw unieke behoeften
  • Wij hebben uitgebreide kennis van Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM)
  • Aangesloten bij Beroepsvereniging, Zhong


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